Can't find it?

Get help to find the promotional products to meet your advertising needs

Are you having trouble finding a specfic promotional product? Is there a certain size, color, or shape you're looking for that you haven't been able to find while searching our site? If so, we're here to help.

Please give us a call toll-free at 866-732-3386, e-mail us at, or reach out via live chat to speak to one of our friendly and experienced staff. We will determine exactly what you want and spend the time necessary to find it for you. We have access to many thousands of products that are not listed on this website. Please let us work to source your special request. If you need any artwork help, just click the preceding link or give us a call and talk to our team of talented artists.

We can even have a special item produced for you. Give us a call and we will explain this service in more detail. We're always excited to help turn your promotional dreams into a reality, so reach out to us today!

Phone: 866-732-3386 (toll-free)
Fax: 877.767.9952 (toll-free)

Mailing Address: 50 West Ave.
Essex, CT 06426